
Hair Growth Cycles and Why Hair Sometimes Falls Out After Hair Transplant Surgery

Sep 25, 2018

Hair Restoration Procedures

Hair Growth Cycles and Why Hair Sometimes Falls Out After Hair Transplant Surgery Hair Growth Cycles and Why Hair Sometimes Falls Out After Hair Transplant Surgery

Los Gatos Hair Transplant Doctor Discusses Hair Growth Cycles

hair loss before or after hair transplant surgery It is normal for the body to shed hair during natural growth cycles - “ even after hair restoration surgery. Don't panic; here's why hair sometimes falls out both before and after hair transplant surgery:

Hair Growth Cycles

Your hair grows in very distinct cycles which are influenced by your lifestyle, genetics, and environment. The three phases of hair growth are anagen, catagen, and telogen:
  • Anagen cycle is the hair growth phase and lasts up to 5 years.
  • Catagen phase is a brief period of transition lasting around ten-days. During this time the follicle detaches and allows the hair to shed.
  • Telogen phase is a stagnant phase when the hair follicle is inactive for approximately three-months before the cycles begin again.
When something interferes with the completion of one phase of hair growth, the entire cycle can become interrupted. This may result in premature hair loss. Factors that Disrupt Growth There are many factors that can come into play and impact the growth of your hair. Some of these issues include stress, illness, what you eat, and your metabolism. Male pattern baldness is likely the most common condition that disrupts the growth of your hair and involves the release of specific hormones that cause hair follicles to shrink thus shedding the hair. Hair Loss After Surgery It may seem like the most obvious solution to hair loss is a hair transplant, though don't panic if you notice shedding hair following your hairline surgery or procedure. Within a couple weeks of surgery, your transplanted hair will fall out as it adjusts to the growth cycle. Don't worry; you will see new hair growth within a few weeks to a few months. This applies to both FUT and FUE hair restoration practices.

Talk to Our San Francisco FUE Doctor About Hair Transplant Recovery

Talk to your surgeon or Los Gatos hair transplant doctor about treatments that can slow down hair loss by adjusting hormones in the body. Some providers may suggest prescription medication that helps grow your newly transplanted hair. Learn more about your hair transplantation options as well as what could be causing your hair loss. Consult with Dr. Diep at MHTA Clinic for more information. Contact us online via our contact form, or call 1-866-999-6482 to set up a free and confidential consultation.
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