
Common Causes of Female Hair Loss

Oct 17, 2014

Hair Restoration Procedures

Common Causes of Female Hair Loss Common Causes of Female Hair Loss

Why San Francisco Women Choose Hairline Surgery

[caption id="attachment_228" align="aligncenter" width="848"]bald treatment San Francisco Before and After Hairline Surgery ©2014 MHTA Clinic[/caption] Many women consider their hair one of the most defining aspects of their appearance. So when hair begins to thin or fall out, it can cause significant distress. Fortunately, hair restoration is possible for many conditions, providing hope to countless women.

Hair loss can occur in women for any number of reasons. These include:
  • Anagen Effluvium. In this condition, one or more factors - “ such as genetics, hormone discrepancies, nutrient deficiencies, cancer treatments, radiation, toxic agents, or inflammatory alopecia - “ have interfered with the hair follicle's ability to produce additional cells.
  • Traction Alopecia. This form of hair loss can be attributed to prolonged use of tight hairstyles, such as ponytails, extensions, and braids. Over time, damage to the follicle causes hair to fall out.
  • Telogen Effluvium. The telogen, or - œshedding, -  phase represents the point in hair's life cycle when it gradually falls out. Although normally mild and unnoticeable, factors such as extreme stress, illness, or malnutrition can cause the phase to continue, allowing excessive amounts of hair to fall out.
  • Androgenic alopecia. Caused by an excess of androgens, or male hormones, this form of hair loss is most often inherited.

Contact MHTA for a FREE Bay Area Hair Loss Treatment Consultation

Whatever the cause of your hair loss, contact Medical Hair Transplant and Aesthetics today to learn about our women's hair loss options. What does a full head of hair represent to you? Don't wait one more day to schedule your FUE hair restoration consultation with Dr. Diep. Give our San Jose office a call at (408) 356-8600 or contact our San Francisco office at (415) 230-2367.
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