
9 Things to Know About Facial Hair Transplants

Aug 28, 2017

Men's Hair Loss

9 Things to Know About Facial Hair Transplants 9 Things to Know About Facial Hair Transplants
Los Gatos facial hair transplants San JoseIn today's world, a significant number of men are embracing the idea of facial hair and beards. They find it to be a symbol of masculinity and therefore don't really mind how long it takes them to grow it. However, for those who are not so fortunate, facial hair transplants can still do the trick. In case you are such a person, the following are some of the things you should know about this procedure:

9 Things You Should Know About Facial Hair Transplants

  1. Resembles a hair transplant procedure

A beard transplant procedure highly resembles a scalp hair transplant surgery because it involves the extractions of back or side hairs to serve as donor hairs.

  1. Takes some time

A standard facial hair transplant procedure can take around 2 to 5 hours based on the area to be covered and the density of the beard a patient is hoping for.

  1. Hair growth is similar to facial hair

The hairs used in facial hair transplant procedures typically grow the same way as facial hair in terms of texture and other characteristics.

  1. More than beards

Facial transplant procedures do not solely refer to beards. A person may also undergo the same process for their goatee, moustache, or sideburns.

  1. Painless

Just like with scalp transplant surgeries; facial hair transplant is also a painless procedure, whereby the surgeon uses precision techniques to achieve the objective.

  1. Reduced cases of hair loss in future

The good thing about facial hair transplants is that once the procedure is done, you will not have to worry about future hair loss since it utilizes less donor hairs when compared to a standard scalp treatment procedure.

  1. Different reasons for the procedure

Most people opt for facial transplants due to aesthetic reasons. However, some may choose to undergo the procedure because of lack of hair growth or surgical scars.

  1. You can go back to shaving (but not right away)

Patients should not shave their transplant hair in the first two-three weeks after their procedure. However, with time, one can go back to shaving or trimming. Ask your doctor before or after the procedure for their recommendation.

  1. Permanent remedy

One of the best things about facial hair transplant procedures is that they provide a permanent solution, which means you won't have to worry about losing your new facial hair.

Facial Hair Transplants in San Jose and Los Gatos

When it comes to effective facial hair transplants, be sure to choose a professional Los Gatos hair transplant doctor who is well-versed in the field if you want the best results. At the end of the day, it is vital that you get the hair (or facial hair) you dream of. For more information contact MHTA Hair Clinic at (415) 230-2367 (San Francisco), (408) 356-8600 (Los Gatos) or send us an email.
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