Is there a link between stress and hair loss? The secret to hair regrowth may lie in reducing feelings of stress and anxiety. At the very least, stress has been shown to exacerbate hair loss conditions.
What can you do to prevent and avoid this? If you live with hair loss due to stress or other underlying causes, talk to a hair transplant surgeon in San Francisco to discuss restoration options.
Here is what you should know about stress, hair loss, and hair restoration in San Jose:
Is stress causing my hair loss? It is possible, though there could be a number of other reasons. Hair loss is genetic; did your biological parents or siblings lose their hair?
As far as stress goes, it causes a physiological response in the body and releases hormones called corticosterone, which is known to impede hair growth. Lowering stress may reduce the production of corticosterone, which may help stop hair loss.
Another reason why you may be losing your hair is due to Telogen effluvium, or TE. When this happens, your hair enters a sort of resting phase to protect it during times of great stress or duress. This may cause your existing hair to shed sooner.
Serious or impactful experiences can cause and trigger TE. If you have noticed hair loss and have recently experienced any of these significant stressors, you may have TE:
Speaking of Alopecia, this can be caused by an autoimmune condition. Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider to learn more.
Stress may trigger alopecia, which has its own set of side effects and symptoms. In the case of alopecia areata, your white blood cells attack the follicles of your hair. Here are the symptoms of AA:
It's important to note that alopecia hair loss can come on abruptly or take place gradually. Don't underestimate the impact of mental health on hair loss. Trichotillomania and some types of alopecia are directly related to stress levels and subsequent hormone production.
There is always hope for a new head of hair with contemporary hair restoration options from qualified physicians in the field. Maybe you just want the head of hair that you used to have before experiencing hair loss or baldness.
The first thing to do is consult with an industry expert to determine which options you are a candidate for and to move forward from there.
Ready to learn more about San Jose FUE hair restoration? Contact Dr. Diep, a San Francisco hair transplant doctor, for a consultation today.